How to Teach Your Dog to Sleep in Its Bed

There is a saying that an obedient dog is a happy dog; there is a lot of the truth in that statement. A dog that knows its place, that is treated with kind consistency, will feel secure. But puppies are so cute, and it is natural to want to snuggle up to yours. For some people this includes having the puppy in the human's bed. But you are unlikely to want this all the time, so then the dog is put out of the bedroom. The dog will dislike this, and will whine and scratch the door. The owner probably thinks the dog is behaving badly. This is not fair. It is much easier to start as you mean to go on.


    • 1

      Buy a comfortable dog's bed that is big enough for the puppy to grown into it. Put a blanket in. Rub your hands all over the blanket so that your scent will be on it. Dogs communicate largely through their noses, and this is a good way to engender a positive feeling in your dog about the bed. Place a favorite toy or two in the bed.

    • 2

      Put the bed where you are intending the dog to sleep. Lead the dog to the bed. Pat the dog and praise it. If the dog explores the bed, you are off to a good start. However, if it wanders away, do not worry. you have still accomplished the first stage. Repeat this a few times during the day. If the dog lies down in the bed, lie alongside on the floor and pat it. If he does not do this himself, lift him in and gently press his hindquarters so that he is lying down. Pat and praise the dog.

    • 3

      Use a name such as "bed." Tell the dog to "go to bed" at specific times, but never do this as a punishment. Leave a ticking clock or a radio on low volume, within the dog's hearing, when you leave the room to go to bed. Practice and repetition are the keys to successful dog-training.