How to Keep a Dog From Chewing Toilet Paper

If your toilet paper has become your dog's favorite meal, it is certainly something you need to be concerned about. You can expect and hope the paper consumed by your dog is excreted the normal way, but papers can get lodged in your dog's intestine and cause blockage, which may need surgical correction. Paper-eating behavior may also be indicative of anemic or gastro-intestinal problems in your dog, in which case you need to consult your veterinarian. Whatever the case, it is important that you rid your dog of his toilet paper-chewing habit for his own good.


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      Don't get angry with the dog. Watching your dog chew off your toilet paper stack repeatedly can be frustrating, but getting angry isn't going to solve the problem. You will only be upsetting your dog.

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      Cut access to toilet paper. Put toilet paper behind doors or at a height that is hard for him to reach. This arrangement can be difficult for you too, but then there is no gain without pain. The alternative would be to monitor your dog 24 hours a day, which is not possible. Restrict his access to your bathroom or confine him to the kennel.

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      Avoid giving greater attention to your dog when you catch him in the act. Dogs love attention whether it comes in the form of a praise or reprimand. When you catch him chewing, just take it away from him casually and give him a stern order not to repeat the act. Do not give him any more attention.

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      Replace toilet paper with a safe toy whenever you catch the dog chewing. Dogs may chew for several reasons. Some dogs use it as a way to keep themselves calm. Puppies that are teething use chewing to soothe their sore gums and as a way to relieve pain. Give your dogs a bully stick or a safe chew toy as a replacement.

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      Train the dog to make him understand that chewing toilet paper is not acceptable behavior. Use body language to communicate that he should not be chewing papers. Just take the paper away from him saying "No-No," shaking your head sideways to let him understand this.

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      Implement these techniques for several months until your dog forgets about chewing paper. Then, you could put your toilet paper to its original place.