How to Stop My Dog From Barking in the Yard

Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. They may bark to raise the alarm, as a greeting, or out of boredom or fear. If a dog is barking excessively when left in the yard, it is a nuisance for both the owner of the dog and the people living nearby. Excessive barking while the dog is in the yard is a problem that can be solved with patience and observation.


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      Take your dog to the veterinarian. Older dogs who are growing deaf or dogs who are in pain may bark excessively when they are left in the yard. A trip to the vet can rule out any physical problems that might be bothering the dog.

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      Observe the dog while it is in the yard. Identifying the cause of barking is an important part of determining the treatment. When does the dog bark, and what is it barking at? Figure out what triggers the barking.

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      Observe the result of the barking. If your dog barks for attention or to be let in, do not give in to it. Instead, ignore the dog when it is being loud, and praise it and pet it only when it is quiet. Eventually, the dog will understand the link between being quiet and praise.

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      Remove the stimulus. If, for example, the dog barks when the mailman comes by or when bells go off at a local school, bring the dog inside when you know that these routines will occur.

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      Be consistent. No matter how you choose to handle your dog's barking, stick with it. Inconsistency teaches the dog to keep barking no matter what.