How to Prevent a Dog From Barking in a Cage

Many people think putting a dog in a cage is mean, but dogs may actually enjoy it because they are den animals that used to burrow into the ground to sleep when they were in the wild. Despite this, some dogs still bark and whine when placed in a cage. This is usually because the dog is not used to his cage and thinks that if he complains enough you will let him out. Prevent your dog from barking by making the cage more comfortable and pleasant for him.


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      Ignore him. Barking is your dog's way of getting attention. Coming to him every time he barks will only encourage him to do it more because he will realize he gets the attention he wants when he does it. If you ignore this plea for attention, he will give up on it when he sees you aren't falling for it.

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      Acclimate your dog to the cage. If your dog is not used to cages, introduce him to the cage for a few minutes at a time before you leave him there for longer periods of time. Start by putting him in the cage for a few minutes a day. Then work your way up to longer time periods until he is comfortable being in there.

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      Keep your dog entertained. Put his favorite chew toys, blankets and other favorite items in the cage with him. This will help him relax and will distract him from seeking attention because he is too busy playing. Place the toys at the back of the cage, away from the door and never include things like rawhide that he can chew into small pieces and choke on.

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      Exercise your dog before you put him in the cage. Have your dog run and play vigorously for 15 to 30 minutes before putting him in the cage. This will tire him out and make him ready to lie down and rest when he is in his cage, instead of barking and whining because he wants to come out and play.

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      Place the cage in a room with people. Put the cage in the corner of a living room, dining room or kitchen so the dog can still see and hear you. This will help the dog feel less isolated and ignored. If you only cage your dog at night, place the cage near your bed so he can see you. Seeing you resting or sleeping will tell the dog it is time for him to rest too.