How to Potty Train Great Danes

Great Danes are a breed of dog known for their enormous size. They are one of the tallest breeds and, despite their intimidating size, have a very friendly temperament. Great Danes are intelligent and generally easy to potty train. The key to success when potty training your Great Dane is to be diligent and follow a structured schedule. It is also important to start potty training your Great Dane as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Treats
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      Choose a designated spot for your dog to relieve itself in your yard. Take it to the spot and do not allow it to leave until it goes potty. Once it starts to potty praise it constantly. This will help encourage it to potty outside.

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      Keep your Great Dane in a crate. This is supposed to be like a den for the dog. Make sure it is big enough for your dog to turn around and stand up. This is a way to continue potty training overnight or when you have to leave home for several hours.

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      Establish a potty routine. A puppy should be taken out every two to three hours because its bladder is small and may need to go often. As the dog ages its bladder will become larger and it will need to go less. Also take it out after meals and sleeping.

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      Look for signs that your dog has to go potty. Common signs are sniffing the ground or turning around in circles with its head to the ground. Take it outside immediately.

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      Praise your dog consistently throughout potty training. Give treats and affection when your dog goes in the right area. The dog will soon associate praise and rewards with eliminating in its designated spot.