Bullmastiff Dominance Issues

The Bullmastiff can be a very mild-mannered, muscular and strong breed of dog. They do have many great qualities such as being very social with people and being extremely loyal to their families. They can be rambunctious as puppies up to 3 years old and calm and quiet as adults. On the other hand, the Bullmastiff will require a great deal of training as a puppy due to their reputation as being dominant and inclined to do things their own way.
  1. Aggressive Issues

    • The Bullmastiff was bred as a guard dog and tends to dominate the household due to its issues with possessiveness. It is very strong-willed. You must establish control and let the Bullmastiff know who is boss from the first day it enters your household. This breed of dog firmly believes it owns you and will try to get its own way unless trained properly from day one. Because it tends to dominate every situation, it can be aggressive at times and will need training to know when aggressiveness is appropriate.

    Low Tolerance of Other Animals

    • Because of its dominating character, the Bullmastiff does not get along much with other animals, especially animals of the same sex. There will always be a constant battle between the sexes as to who rules and who is the dominating "top dog." It can do well with other animals if raised together since puppy-hood.


    • The Bullmastiff with its strong-willed manner and fearless dominating nature can easily get bored and destructive without proper training and socializing at an early age. It tends to be territorial of its home and family, although it is inclined to do things its own way because of its need to be in control.