How to Make Your Husky Run Faster

Huskies, or more accurately Siberian huskies, are a breed of dog primarily found in colder regions. They are often deployed to pull snow sleds because they are known for their exceptional endurance. However, their speed is not always what many sledders desire, so trainers often look for ways to make huskies run faster. There are several techniques you can try to add speed to a husky's stride.


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      Run your husky enough so that it has a high degree of endurance. It needs endurance before it can increase its speed. Remember that training takes time to achieve results. Do not expect your husky to run faster automatically after a few days of training. Being too hard on your husky may lower its morale and cause it to actually run slower. Be gentle but firm.

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      Make sure that your husky has gone to the bathroom before a run. This prevents it from having to stop midrun. A good time to run is right before dinner. This burns all remaining energy before something else goes into the dog's stomach. Using a soft, canned dog food is optimal for training time. Though it is a little more expensive, it keeps the dog's system completely regular and allows for smooth digestion. A husky should be anywhere between 35 and 75 pounds during training. An even 50 is ideal for the fastest husky, though most of this weight should be muscle.

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      Reward your husky after each run. This encourages it to go a little farther a little faster. If the husky knows a reward is waiting after a run, it gets to where it is going quicker.

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      Keep consistent. If you want the husky to get faster, you have to run it at least four times a week. Do not take time off frequently. It is easy for a dog to lose gains that it has made if it is not being run on a regular basis. Run for about quarter of a mile for the first three days. Start out doing endurance runs. Every week, increase the distance by a quarter of a mile until you are at two miles. Once you reach two miles, alternate two-mile jogs with half-mile sprints to help maintain endurance while increasing speed. Do this alternatively at least four consecutive days per week.