K9 Code of Conduct

Dog trainers assist dog owners and law enforcement agencies in training pet dogs and service dogs. Law enforcement agencies, such as police departments, frequently use K-9 service dogs to assist in tracking and subduing suspects as well as locating illegal drugs.
  1. International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP)

    • The International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) is a professional association of dog trainers, administrators of K-9 programs, veterinarians, and other professionals and companies associated with dogs. IACP membership requires payment of a fee, based on the level of membership in the organization.

    K-9 Code of Conduct

    • The IACP provides a K-9 code of conduct at its website. Members must be willing and able to follow this specification. The code requires that IACP members conduct themselves in a professional manner, while maintaining honesty, trust and respect.

    K-9 Continuing Education &Standards of Conduct

    • Members must "continue to further his/her education" in the dog training field, act responsibly, and treat dogs and other animals in an ethical and humane manner, according to the IACP. Anyone convicted of animal cruelty is permanently barred from IACP membership.