How Can I Help My Lab Overcome Fear of the Water?

Fear of water is not uncommon among dogs. Even though many dogs are natural swimmers, there are some that want nothing to do with water. Whether your Lab can overcome this fear depends on the dog. Like humans, animals have different personalities -- some will come to love the water they once feared, while others will fear it for as long as they live. Nothing is guaranteed, but there are a number of tricks available.

Things You'll Need

  • Body of water
  • Treats
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      Locate a large body of water such as a community pool, a pool in your backyard, or a nearby lake -- any spot to take your dog that will provide it with a fun and relaxing environment. For example, if your dog loves the rural outdoors, find a lake surrounded by many big trees and woods as opposed to a city setting so that the dog will feel happy and comfortable.

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      Smile and laugh a lot. If you are having a great time, your Lab will feed off your positive attitude and be happy and comfortable rather than scared and nervous. If you play with the dog with this attitude and jump into the water yourself, sometimes the dog will follow; regardless of whether you get wet yourself, have a good time and encourage your dog to join you.

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      Lure your dog into the water with treats -- no dog can resist a tasty snack. Decide what your Lab's favorite treats are and bring some with you to the water. Start by feeding them your Lab, and little by little move yourself closer to the water's edge. Then place some treats in the shallow parts of the water. Chances are your Lab will step in a little bit to grab a bite. Continue to bring the treats deeper into the water with you. This resents the possibility that the dog will forget about its fear of water in order to get some treats, and in the process realize that the water isn't so bad after all.