How to Control Barking With Remote Collars

Dogs can bark for many reasons. Some dogs bark out of loneliness while others bark out or boredom. Unnecessary barking can become a nuisance to dog owners and their neighbors. Dog owners can limit their pets' barking by training them. A remote control dog collar, also known as a shock collar, is a device they can use for this. The collar corrects the dog's behavior through corrective tones or small harmless static shocks. Because the device operates through a remote control, it is easy to instantly correct behaviors from afar.


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      Identify the reason your dog is barking. Barking can be learned behavior. Some owners make the mistake of giving their dog a dog-treat, just so he will stop barking. The dog will associate barking with being rewarded with treats and will continue his behavior.

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      Purchase a remote control dog-training unit. You can find the units in pet specialty stores and on pet specialty websites on the Internet. Units are battery operated and include a transmitter and a receiver. Some units only correct the dog using shocks, while others only use a corrective tone. Units that feature both methods are also available

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      Place the collar around your dog's neck as you would a normal collar.

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      Observe your dog closely at the times you identified the nuisance barking starts.

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      Deliver a shock to the dog by pressing the shock button on the remote as soon as the barking starts. If you have a device that has both the tone and shock option, you can first warn your dog by pressing the corrective tone button. If your dog doesn't respond accordingly, you can press the shock button afterward.

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      Stop using the remote control bark collar when your dog has corrected his behavior. Over time, the barking might come back or be triggered by a different source. If needed, use the bark collar again.