Redbone Coonhound Training

The Redbone coonhound is a muscular breed of hunting dog, very loving, loyal, gifted and quite easy to train. Aside from raccoons, they have been known to hunt bear, cougar and bobcat.
  1. Clicker Training

    • Clicker training is effective with most dogs in teaching basic commands, accompanied with positive reinforcement. A clicker can be obtained at any pet store and gets the dog's attention. The clicker works by saying a command with the clicker out of sight and when the dog obeys, simultaneously click and give a reward.

    Crate Training

    • Crate training is a safe, humane way to begin housebreaking a dog. The crate will be your dog's secure place to sleep, especially when they are left unattended, until it is time for potty breaks, play or eat. Dogs usually won't potty where they sleep.

    Basic Coon Training

    • The Redbone coonhound has a natural talent for following a scent. Starting when the dog is young, use a raccoon hide to introduce the scent and hide it, drag it to create a trail and let the dog find it. Reward the dog when it succeeds. Training is easier when young dogs learn with the experienced dogs.