Humane Ways to Control Alarmed & Territorial Dog Barking

Aggressive and territorial barking in dogs can be unpleasant behavior to deal with. You can deal with this bad behavior in humane ways though, as opposed to hitting your dog or using a shock collar, which can hurt it.
  1. Command Word

    • Come up with a command word to use in any situation where you dog's behavior is bad, such as "Stop" or "No." Don't yell this word, but instead say it firmly in a stern voice. When your dog ever acts out, look it square in the eye and say this word. Eventually your dog will pick it up and you can use it when it begins barking. If it has a barking fit, simply bend down and say the word.

    Shaking Can

    • A soda can filled with pennies is an age-old trick you can use. Fill a can and tape off the mouth of the can. When your dog begins to bark, shake the can near it. The loud noise will startle the dog, then you can say your command word, such as "Stop." Keep a few cans around the house and take one with you on walks and outdoor activities.

    Squirt Bottle

    • A squirt bottle of water is another way to deter bad barking in your canine. When it begins to bark territorially or aggressively, simply squirt it on their head two or three times and say your command word. The squirting will bother it, and eventually it will begin to associate that this is a result of its unnecessary barking.


    • Positive reinforcement can help keep your dog from barking aggressively. When it begins to bark, get its attention, say your command word or use your loud can of pennies. When it stops barking and is able to focus on you for a period of 10 seconds or so, give it a little treat and some praise.