How to Find the Best Training Techniques for Boxer Pups

Training your new boxer puppy can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have no experience in dog training. There are many training techniques that can be employed and there is often no best way. Each dog responds differently to different methods. Finding the one that best fits you and you dog is essential in making the training go smoothly.


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      Go to your local library. There are numerous books available on puppy training that cover almost every training aspect of most breeds.

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      Check your local phone directory for certified dog trainers in your area. A professional dog trainer will be able to guide both you and your puppy through the training process. Some dog trainers offer to train your dog for you.

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      Call your veterinarian. Veterinarians often know many people who can assist you in finding the right training techniques for your puppy. Your veterinarian may also be able to recommend a training program based on any physical limitations your puppy may have.

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      Search the Internet. There are many websites that offer dog training tips. Public forums can also be a good way to gather information about what has and has not worked for other people who are training their puppies as well.