How to Train Dogs to Stop Jumping & Barking While on a Leash

Walking your dog offers great exercise for both you and your pet. However, if you have a dog that gets so excited before or during a walk that he constantly jumps and barks, even while on a leash, you need to train your dog to ensure proper dog manners. Although you do not want to train your dog to never bark, as it can be a sign of discomfort, stress or danger, you do want to ensure that when you tell your dog to stop barking or jumping he does so.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Train your dog to stop barking before you start out on your walk. Ring the doorbell to get your dog to start barking. After a few barks, hold a dog treat in front of his face and say (in a stern voice) "Quite," or "No," or any other word you'd like to use. When he quiets to take the treat, praise him for stopping his barking. Continue to do this several times.

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      Teach your dog to not jump before you start out on your walk. Dogs tend to jump when they get very excited, this happens a lot when you or someone else greets the dog. When your dog jumps up at you, simply turn around and say in a stern voice "No." When he backs down, praise him for stopping his jumping. Do this every time he jumps at you or someone else.

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      Place some treats in your pocket and place your dog on a leash. However, do not leash your dog unless he is sitting still.

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      Wrap the leash several times around your hand so the leash is short and taut. Keep a firm grip on the leash so your dog knows that he's walking with you, not pulling you along. At any time he begins to bark, hold the treat in front of his face and say "No."

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      Stop walking and tug the leash upwards should your dog start jumping while walking. Tell your dog "No," and do not resume your walk until the jumping has subsided.

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      Praise your dog when he obeys you or walks without barking or jumping.