How do I Get a Puppy to Stop Biting People?

With a puppy, play biting may be normal and seem cute but it can get out of hand if not corrected. A puppy needs to be taught firmly that biting is unacceptable.
  1. Be Consistent

    • Be consistent with training. You can't allow puppy to bite you while playing and expect him not to bite when other people are around. When the puppy bites or nips, give him toys to help him learn that only those are acceptable for biting. Another method is to make a loud noise to make the pup stop.

    Loving Discipline

    • It is never acceptable to use physical discipline such as hitting when trying to train your puppy. Such discipline may actually instill aggressive behavior or cause your puppy to be fearful of you.

    Use Rewards

    • Rewards work much better than discipline. When puppy bites, give the command to stop. If the puppy stops biting when told, use a lot of praise and a tiny treat. She will realize that when she does not bite people, everyone is happier and sometimes that comes with treats and rewards.