Tips for Raising a Labrador Retriever Puppy

Lots of people are interested in raising Labrador Retriever puppies; however, many often don't know how to do so. Lab puppies are smart, inquisitive and full of energy. Unless this behavior is dealt with in the proper way, you could end up with a puppy that is dominant over you or one that constantly gets sick or in trouble from doing things it shouldn't. However, there are a few tips you can follow to help raise your puppy into a well-mannered adult.
  1. Become the Leader

    • Most dogs, including Labs, will instinctively look for a leader to follow, learn from and obey. If the puppy does not find that type of authoritative figure, it may attempt to become that leader. Labrador Retrievers are typically intelligent and will quickly learn how to become in control of their pack, including you, if you do not establish your dominance first. One way to do this is to take your lab puppy for frequent walks, keeping it right next to you on the leash at all times. Not only does this position show your puppy that you are in charge, but it also helps you to bond. Never let your Lab puppy stray away from you or sniff the ground unless you give it permission. When playing with your puppy, always end the session with the toy in your possession, suggests the Dog Breed Info website. Never allow your Lab puppy on your bed or furniture and do not sit on the floor with it, as doing so literally puts you on its level. Your body position should always be above the pup.

    Provide a Safe Environment

    • Labradors are known for their inquisitive personalities. This curiosity can get them into trouble, especially if they eat items that are toxic or chew on dangerous objects, such as electric cords. To prevent this behavior, provide your pup with a safe environment, suggests the Tealwood Kennel website. Keep electrical cords out of your puppy's reach, along with chemicals, insecticides, poison and cleaning products. If you cannot keep these objects away from your curious Lab, consider keeping the pup in a crate when you cannot provide supervision. Using a crate confines the puppy and keeps it from harming itself or destroying areas in your home. Doing so also helps with potty training. Never leave the puppy in the crate for more than a few hours at a time without letting it out to relieve itself.

    Stimulate Your Lab's Mind

    • Labrador Retriever puppies are intelligent dogs. If their minds are not constantly occupied, they can become bored and destructive. Provide your Lab with ample exercise and consider enrolling it into obedience classes. The exercise can help to keep its mind and body stimulated and the training will help it to become better behaved and encourage it to learn. Give your puppy plenty of toys to play with, especially when you are not there to supervise. A bored Lab puppy will often chew on things and behave in unruly ways.