Things You'll Need
- Dog crate
- Pet detergent
Place a crate or dog pen in an area of the house where the puppy can be watched, but not in the way. Maltipoo puppies are very sociable and like to be with people, not left alone for long periods. This crate will provide a place where the maltipoo can be confined when it can't be watched, preventing it from defecating on the floor. The crate is also invaluable for teaching the maltipoo pup that it does not need to relieve itself immediately.
While the maltipoo puppy is out of its crate, watch it for signs that it needs to potty. This is different for all puppies but usually involves circling, sniffing the ground or just looking like it is searching for something. When you see this behavior, pick the dog up and take it to where you want it to potty in the future, such as a patch of grass outside. As soon as it goes, give it lots of praise. Maltipoos love attention and it will soon understand that you really like it when it goes in the right place. Keep repeating this process for every time it potties in the right place and it will soon learn that this is the place to go.
All puppies, not just maltipoos, have accidents in the house and this is all just part of training a puppy. Clean up any messes without any fuss or bother using a pet detergent formulated for toilet training. Never scold a maltipoo for going in the wrong place; it was your fault for not watching it closely. Minimize accidents by being extra vigilant during the times it is most likely to need to go, such as after eating, sleeping or playing.