Making Dog Treadmills

Properly exercising your dog can help keep your pet healthy in addition to solving several behavioral problems. A dog treadmill is an easy way to give your pet the exercise he requires, without the hassle of long walks or runs outside. Keep in mind a few things when making a treadmill to accommodate a dog.


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      Teach your dog to run on a motorized human treadmill. Dogs can be trained to run or walk on a human treadmill with proper supervision. You will have to slowly introduce her to the treadmill by guiding her on a leash and standing next to or in front of the treadmill. It's also possible to buy a harness that clips on both sides of the treadmill. Make sure the treadmill is long and wide enough for your dog.

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      Train your dog to run on a manual human treadmill. Manual treadmills are great for dogs because they lack the noise that motorized treadmills generate. Motor sounds can spook the dog and make training more difficult. You can find used manual treadmills online or at thrift stores.

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      Build your own dog powered treadmill (see Resources). With a little ingenuity you can build your own dog treadmill with a wooden or metal frame, rollers and a belt. As of August 2010, the cost of the parts and shipping is around $150.