Prepare a comfortable spot on the floor for the dog. For instance, place a blanket or a dog bed in one corner of the living room. Make it look inviting by placing a few toys on top.
Say a firm "No!" or "Off!" every time your dog attempts to climb onto the furniture. In "Training the Hard to Train Dog," Peggy Swagger recommends consistency in the commands you use to avoid confusing your dog. Select one word for keeping the dog off the furniture and use that word for similar situations every time for best results.
Take your dog off the sofa and lead it to its bed. Do this firmly but without anger or signs of nervousness.
Praise your dog generously when it goes unprompted to the correct bed instead of the furniture. Treats also make for a good reward.
Be consistent. You will have to continue training your dog until it learns to stay off the furniture. You will achieve success faster if other house residents know that the dog is not allowed on the furniture and adhere to your training methods.