How do I Train Dogs to Pull Wagons?

Dogs were never meant to be couch potatoes. Dogs love being able to run and have fun while being with their human companions. Well-trained dogs can pull wagons and sleds. The key to training a dog to pull anything, especially a wagon, is to keep it fun. You can start training your pup at about 4 months of age.

Things You'll Need

  • Comfortable wagon harness
  • Leash
  • Wagon
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    • 1

      Make sure that the harness is the correct type for pulling your wagon and fits the dog properly.

    • 2

      Place the harness on the dog and allow the dog to walk around wearing the harness for a few days a couple of hours at a time. After the first three days, attach a leash to the harness and walk the dog outside. Continue doing this with your dog for a week.

    • 3

      Take the dog with the leash and harness in one hand and pull the wagon with the other hand. Let the dog see and hear the wagon and approach it. Continue to do this until the dog no longer notices that the wagon is there.

    • 4

      Determine when the dog is comfortable with the wagon. You will know this if the dog is not frightened by it or he goes near or even in it. Once the dog is used to walking with the harness and is not afraid of the wagon, attach the wagon to the harness and go for a short walk. If this goes off without any problems, reward the dog with special treats only used for pulling the wagon.

    • 5

      Allow the dog to become accustomed to pulling the wagon for a week or two. The dog needs to develop its muscles for wagon pulling.

    • 6

      Add a light load such as books or some groceries once you are sure your dog is comfortable and adept in pulling the wagon. Very gradually add more weight to the wagon each day.

    • 7

      Allow the dog to pull the wagon where there are people around. Do this gradually. Start with the people it knows, such as your family. Ask some friends to come and watch the dog. Always end the training by giving your dog much attention and giving its special wagon-pulling treat.

    • 8

      Expose your dog to more strangers while it is pulling the wagon. Take your dog on a shopping trip. Walk down a main street in town with the dog pulling the wagon. If you plan on using the dog to pull a wagon in a parade or march, allow it to get used to the noise and crowd by taking it to fairs, parades and marches.