How to House Train a Dog in the Winter

The last thing you want is for your new Christmas puppy to pee on your carpet. Most puppies need to go right after eating, drinking, when they get scared or when they are over-excited. Winter is actually the perfect season to train a dog to urinate and defecate outside. Cold temperatures and potential snowfall will keep your dog from wanting to spend too much time exploring outside.

Things You'll Need

  • Short leash
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    • 1

      Choose some teaching words to use with your dog. Phrases like "outside", "go potty" and "do your business" are common. Use these words every time you take your dog out and it will associate the phrase with eliminating.

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      Attach a leash to your dog's collar, preferably a short one that allows you to keep the dog close by. This will help you control your pet and lead it to an acceptable place outside. Even if there is deep snow on the ground, pick a spot that you'll want your pet to continue to eliminate at when the weather is nicer.

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      Lead your dog outside. Allow it to sniff the appropriate elimination area. If your dog gets distracted, tug on the leash a little and direct it back. In winter when the ground is frozen, your dog may be less interested in checking things out due to the temperature.

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      Speak to your dog in a positive tone and be patient. For young dogs or older dogs unaccustomed to going outside, it may take a few minutes and a few tries before they catch on.

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      Wait for elimination to occur. Use verbal praise during the act, instead of after. In cold weather, your dog will be eager to get back into the warm house. Wait a few moments to make sure the dog has finished eliminating completely before heading in.