Tips on Training Springer Puppies

Springer puppies are energetic dogs that love to run and frolic outdoors. They are placid, even-tempered dogs that make excellent family pets as they are relatively easy to train and quick to learn. Because of their high energy levels, take care in hot weather, as heat exhaustion can be dangerous.
  1. Positive Reward Training

    • Springer spaniel puppies respond best to positive reward training. Rewards can include food treats, petting, verbal praise or a game with toys. Give rewards the instant the puppy gets it right, as timing is important for it to understand what it is being rewarded for.

    Basic Training Rules

    • Be consistent with enforcing the rules and boundaries that a springer must obey. Give a puppy-in-training plenty of treats, but make sure it works for them first. This applies to feeding general meals as well as in training for specific acts or tricks. Make the springer sit or stay before it gets its dinner to firmly establish your role as leader and to reinforce obedience training.

    House Training

    • As soon you bring a springer puppy home, its toilet training should start. Take the puppy outside, preferably to the same spot in the yard, several times a day, particularly after meals. Restrict its movement about the house overnight or when it has to be left alone during the day, and put down newspapers to catch any accidents.

    Leash Training

    • At first a springer puppy will find the leash strange and uncomfortable and will likely try to escape from it, or refuse to move by lying down or rolling over. Just a few minutes a day, with very short walks around the yard and plenty of treats when the puppy walks on the leash, will soon get it used to being on a leash.

    Obedience Training

    • Springer puppies quickly learn basic obedience training. "Sit," "stay" and "lie down" should be the first commands it learns. Have plenty of treats to hand and reward the springer every time it gets it right. For "sit," give the command and gently push the puppy's bottom toward the ground. As soon as it is sitting, give praise and the treat.

    Gun Dog Training

    • Springers were bred to work and springer puppies will enjoy the challenge of gun dog training. Begin early by teaching hand signals as well as verbal commands for basic obedience such as "sit" and "stay." Decide what signal will go with what command and stick with it so as not to confuse the puppy. Later, you can incorporate whistle training, which is useful if the springer puppy is out of your sight and you need to give a command.