How to Train Dogs to Stand for Conformation

Dogs that are entering the show ring will need to learn to stand for conformation, also known as stacking. They must stand completely still in the correct position for their breed, allowing the judge to feel around their body. Dogs that are able to do this are much more likely to gain the judges favor. As stacking requires the dog to have its complete attention on the handler for several minutes, you will need treats the dog is interested in, such as cheese or sausages, rather than dry biscuits.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • A friend to assist you
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    • 1

      Teach your dog to stand on command. With your dog lying down, place your hand beneath him and lift up gently; as he stands say "stand" in a clear authoritative voice. When he is standing, give him a treat and praise him lavishly. If you dog is very large or won't stand when you place a hand beneath him, use a treat to lure him into position, saying "stand" as he does so and give lots of praise. Practice this until your dog stands on command.

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      Train your dog to move her legs into the right position. With your dog standing, gently move her hind legs so that they are in the correct position for her breed, giving a command such as "legs." When she is in the right position, give her a treat. Practice this until she moves her legs without moving the rest of her body. Also get her used to you moving her feet for her. Start with the front paws and gently move each foot in turn in to the right position. Treat her every time she remains stationary and lets you move her feet.

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      Get your dog used to being touched while standing. First, get him used to you touching him all over without moving. Once he does this, introduce a friend to act as judge and get them to do the same. You will need to have a strong treat such as cheese to keep him distracted from what the "judge" is doing. Give him a treat regularly to begin with for standing still while being touched, then increase the amount of time he must be still for before he gets a treat. Eventually he should be able to stand still the whole time the judge feels at him, and then get a treat at the end.