Hunting With Hound Dogs

Bred to hunt, hound dogs come in two categories: scent hounds and sight hounds. The American Kennel Club recognizes 25 dog breeds in the hound group, including the dachshund, greyhound and a variety of coonhounds. Hounds tend to have great stamina and determination when hunting, making the group a popular choice with hunters. If you're new to hunting with hounds, making sure your dog is ready before embarking on a real hunt gives you and your hound confidence that you both know what you are doing.

Things You'll Need

  • Radio transmitter collar
  • Dog food
  • Low-volume blank pistol
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    • 1

      Practice basic obedience with your hound dog. Before teaching a hound to hunt, you should be confident that it will follow your instructions and obey your commands. Train daily at home, and take your hound to a basic obedience class if you need help.

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      Tap into your hound's natural tracking instincts. Encourage your dog to follow any scents it smells or small animals it sees. Follow your dog closely and be ready to call it back to you if necessary.

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      Fit your dog with a collar containing a radio transmitter. This will help you find your hound if you lose sight of it.

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      Listen to your hound's voice to determine its exact location. Many hounds howl, or "bay," when they have captured or treed their prey. Baying is loud and distinctive, and your hound's way of communicating with you.

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      Get your hound used to the sound of gunfire using positive reinforcement. Put a bowl of food out for your hound dog and encourage it to start eating. Move approximately 20 to 25 yards away from your dog and shoot your gun two or three times. Use a low-volume blank pistol until your dog is used to the noise, and introduce your hunting gun gradually. Stop shooting if your dog seems nervous or afraid, because this could create gun-shyness.

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      Practice hunting as often as possible until you are confident your hound is ready to hunt real prey.