How to Train a Dog at Home for Free

Dog trainers effectively teach dogs tricks, commands and the proper way to behave around other animals and humans. Most obedience classes offer socialization skills and group instruction in basic commands. The only down side, however, is that they are often expensive. Fortunately, you do not have to spend a lot of money to have a well-behaved dog, as you can train your dog yourself at home for free.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Crate
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    • 1

      Practice techniques that establish your dominance over your dog on a daily basis. Perhaps the most crucial aspect of dog training is showing your dog that it needs to obey and respect you. This is accomplished by establishing your dominance over the dog and can be done without spending any money. Walk ahead of your dog when entering through doors and walking up steps. Never go toward a dog to greet it when you come home; wait for it to come to you. In addition, eat in front of the dog before it does, then make it wait for your permission before it eats. Once your dog understands that you are the boss, it will be more likely to obey your commands.

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      Use the same technique each and every time you teach your dog a command. For instance, when teaching the "sit" command, stand in front of the dog while holding a treat or piece of food in your closed hand. Allow the dog to sniff your hand, then hold the treat above the dog's head and slowly move it back behind the head. As the dog watches your hand, its bottom will naturally fall to the floor. As it does, say "sit," then give your dog the treat. Never mix this process up by using other commands or other techniques. Doing so will only confuse the dog and impede the training process.

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      Keep your dog with you at all times or close it off in a small area when attempting to potty train the pooch. If you watch your dog constantly, it will likely give you cues that it needs to eliminate, such as walking in circles or sniffing the ground. When it does this, take it outside to the same spot every time and wait for it to go. When it does, give it praise. If possible, place the dog in a crate when you are sleeping or away. Check your local paper or veterinarian office for free crates. If you cannot find one, create a small, enclosed area in your home to keep the dog in when you are not able to provide supervision. Keeping your dog contained will prevent it from eliminating in the home, as it will be forced to lie in its waste as a consequence, and also prevents it from getting into or destroying objects in the home.

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      Praise and reward the dog every time it accomplishes a command. Dogs thrive on encouragement and accept it in any form possible, including treats and petting. If you cannot give your dog food or treats as a reward, simply providing affection is often enough. Your dog will begin to associate the attention and the treats with obeying your commands and will likely start to do it more. Never punish or scold your dog, as this will damage your relationship and make your dog fear and distrust you.