How to Train Young Dogs

The term "young dog" can mean any dog between birth and 2 years of age. Puppyhood is a key time in any dog's life, because it's when he is learning basic socialization skills and the "manners" of daily life with a human family. As a responsible dog owner, it is important that you provide the learning and socialization opportunities the young dog needs. Training a young dog requires patience, consistency and effort, but the hard work pays off when you have a disciplined, obedient new member of the family.

Things You'll Need

  • Obedience course
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dog bed
  • Crate
  • Food
  • Dog treats
  • Toys
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    • 1

      Enroll your young dog in a basic obedience course. These classes often are available through pet stores, groomers, veterinary clinics, dog clubs and private trainers. An obedience course, along with diligent home practice of the techniques learned, teaches your dog to respond properly to basic commands, such as "come," "sit," "down," "stay," "drop it," and "leave it," as well as leash skills.

    • 2

      Keep your young dog on a schedule. Provide a bed or crate for sleeping, and sleep at the same times each day. Feed your dog and take him outside at the same times each day. Consistency is important, and following a schedule helps the young dog adapt to the home environment, develop appropriate sleeping patterns and become housebroken.

    • 3

      Take your puppy outdoors as soon as she awakens after sleeping; after a meal or water, after excessive play, periods of excitement and when you see her sniffing around the house seeking a spot to "potty." These are the times when puppies, especially, need to relieve themselves. Anticipating those moments and taking the pup outside avoids the mishap and lets her learn to recognize when she needs to go out. If your pup has an accident indoors, it's your fault for not paying attention to her needs, not hers. If you see her doing it, simply give a quick reprimand and swiftly take her outside to finish. If you have a good routine, you won't have many accidents. Going outside on time is part of the routine. Take the puppy out, use a word she can learn to recognize, such as "potty," praise her and bring her back in as soon as she's done it, and she'll soon realize that's what she's out there to do.

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      Provide positive reinforcement. This means praising your young dog when he gets something right. Provide treats or play, praise your dog with patting and plenty of phrases like, "Good dog!" Your young dog will respond to training far more quickly when you praise him than when you reprimand him.

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      Give appropriate reprimands. While positive reinforcement is best, the occasional reprimand cannot be avoided. Never hit or yell at your young dog when she behaves incorrectly. Reprimands should always be short, sharp verbal warnings such as, "No!" Give the reprimand immediately following an undesirable behavior so that your dog understands what she did wrong.

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      Have each responsible member in the household take part in the young dog's training. This teaches the dog respect for family members and provides consistency in the training program. When your dog consistently receives praise for good behavior from all family members, the training is more effective. The same goes for reprimands. When a reprimand for bad behavior is consistently heard from each family member, your dog quickly learns which behaviors are inappropriate.