How to Potty Train a Puppy Step by Step

Once the excitement of having a new puppy wears down, kids realize that they have a significant responsibility. Although potty training a puppy takes some work, it is an experience that helps you and your family welcome the new puppy into your home. Potty trained puppies can avoid making their owners upset with pee on the rug and in shoes. Begin potty training within hours of having your puppy at home, and be gentle with it. It might be stressed from being in new surroundings so don't expect much for the first few days.


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      Set up a newspaper for your puppy to go to the bathroom. Place it close to where your puppy's crate is so you can quickly move it to the paper when it whines. As soon as it leaves the crate, you should place it on the paper before letting it do anything else.

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      Get your puppy accustomed to a feeding schedule. This gives you an idea of when to take it to the newspaper to go to the bathroom, which should happen 10 minutes after each meal. Stop giving it food and water at night so there are no surprises in the morning.

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      Develop a phrase that you use when your puppy goes to the bathroom. It should begin to associate the phrase with going to the bathroom on command. Examples of phrases you can use include "hurry up" and "let's go".

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      Reinforce positive behavior instead of punishing bad behavior. While some people recommend rubbing a puppy's nose in its fecal matter or yelling at it, more gentle tactics work well too. Praise your puppy for using the newspaper, and firmly tell it no when it goes to the bathroom somewhere else.

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      Wake up a couple of times a night for the first week or so to take your puppy to its newspaper. You want it to be comfortable in its crate so allow it to relieve itself. You do not have to wake it up if it is sleeping; simply wait until it stirs.