How to Get a Puppy to Sleep in a Bed on the Floor in the Bedroom

Bringing home a new puppy can be a rewarding but scary experience. The biggest challenge that many new puppy owners face is the first night alone with the potentially frightened new member of the family. One way dog owners bond with their puppy is to allow it to sleep bed with them. This is unwise, as the puppy will begin to see itself as an equal to its owner, which can cause later disciplinary issues. A healthier alternative is to teach the puppy to sleep on a dog bed in the bedroom.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy bed
  • Puppy treat
  • Collar
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Place a comfortable dog bed next to your bed, either on the side or the foot of the bed. This will help the puppy feel more welcome in the home.

    • 2

      Place the puppy into the bed during the daytime. Make it a welcoming spot by placing a puppy treat or a toy on top of the bed. This will help the puppy associate the bed with a positive experience.

    • 3

      Avoid allowing the puppy onto your bed. If the puppy does make its way onto the bed, take it off and firmly utter the word "No." Continue to perform this action if the puppy attempts to jump on the bed at any time of the day.

    • 4

      Play vigorously with the puppy and take it outside to void right before bedtime. This will ensure that the puppy is tired and has an empty bladder.

    • 5

      Place a collar and leash onto the puppy. Tie the leash around the end of the bed or anywhere that will keep the puppy firmly in place and sit the puppy onto the puppy bed.

    • 6

      Take the puppy outdoors to void if it begins to whine. Once it is established that the puppy is whining for attention and not because it has to urinate, tell the puppy "Sleep" in a firm voice and ignore the whining.

    • 7

      Continue to avoid giving the puppy attention for whining throughout the night. Eventually, the puppy will learn that whining will not garner attention.