How to House Train a Puppy in the Snow

Many puppy owners are faced with the dilemma of housebreaking their new companions during the cold and snowy winter months. Puppies can be susceptible to cold and may easily become chilled or even lost if they are not properly cared for in the snowdrifts and chilly temperatures. However, it is possible to house train even the smallest breed of puppy in the winter by following a few steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy crate
  • Puppy slippers
  • Puppy coat
  • Leash
  • Puppy treats
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    • 1

      Place the puppy in a crate overnight and whenever it cannot be closely watched. The crate should be large enough only for the puppy to stand up in and turn around. A puppy will generally not void where it sleeps, so keeping it in a crate will reduce accidents during times when the puppy is not monitored.

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      Take the puppy outdoors to void in the morning right after it wakes up, after mealtime and after playing. If it is a smaller breed or is not fit for the harsh cold, place puppy slippers and a coat on your puppy. Place a leash on it as well to ensure that it does not become lost in the snowdrifts or that it does not wander away.

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      Take the puppy outdoors each time it begins showing signs that it needs to void. The puppy may begin to sniff around on the ground, whine or even stand by the door. When these signals occur, take the puppy outside to go potty immediately.

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      Say "potty" each time the puppy begins to void. Eventually, the puppy will begin to associate this word with the task. Later on, the command can be used so the puppy knows that going outdoors is for business, not play.

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      Praise the puppy and offer it a puppy treat each time it successfully potties outside. If it is bitterly cold outside, you may want to consider giving these rewards once you get inside.

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      Wipe the puppy's paws and undercoat after it returns from outdoors. The water may freeze on its pads, which could cause cracking and bleeding. The puppy may also come in contact with salt or antifreeze while outside, which it could later lick off its coat, so cleaning the puppy is important.

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      Scold the puppy for voiding indoors only if you catch it in the act. Once the puppy is finished, it will not associate the unwanted act with the verbal scolding. If you do catch the puppy in the act, say the word "No" in a stern voice and take the puppy outside immediately. Clean up any messes so the puppy does not smell the lingering urine, because this will encourage it to void in the same spot again.