How to Crate Train a Pomeranian

Pomeranians--or Poms, as they are affectionately called by some owners and breeders--are a small breed of dog that originated in the Pomerania region of Europe (which is today known as northern Poland). According to the American Kennel Club, Pomeranians were originally bred to herd sheep and became popular after Queen Victoria took a Pom for a pet in 1888. Pomeranians are intelligent dogs that can be crate trained in the home with just a little patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Blanket
  • Puppy toy
  • Recently worn piece of clothing
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      Place the crate in a high-traffic area of the home, such as the living room or kitchen. The puppy will feel more like a member of the family when it is where the center of the action is in the home.

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      Allow the puppy to explore the crate before using it. The puppy will sniff the crate and may even step inside and outside of it. Once the puppy becomes comfortable with the crate, place it inside for a few moments and take it out. Perform this action only once, on the first day the Pom is introduced to the crate.

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      Lay a blanket and a puppy toy inside the crate. The puppy should see the crate as a positive place, not a place of punishment. A piece of clothing that was recently worn can also be placed in the crate as an added bit of comfort.

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      Place the puppy into the crate during the nighttime. The puppy should be taken outside to void depending upon its age. For instance, a 3-month-old Pom should be removed to void every three hours; a 4-month-old, every four hours.

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      Remove the puppy from the crate first thing in the morning and take it directly outside to void. The puppy will begin to associate removal from the crate with voiding outdoors.

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      Take the puppy outdoors to void directly after meals and playtime and having a drink of water. These are the times a puppy is most likely to need to void.

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      Praise the puppy each time it successfully voids outside with a vocal "Good puppy." If the puppy has an accident indoors, avoid yelling at or physically abusing the puppy. This will only make the Pom more nervous, which could lead to even more accidents.