Create a feeding routine for your Maltese puppy. Create this routine by feeding it at the same time in the morning and in the evening. Provide water to the puppy at all times.
Make the food available for 15 minutes, and then remove it from the reach of your puppy.
Wait for a period of 30 minutes, then take your Maltese puppy outside to eliminate. Designate one single area in the yard as the elimination area to help condition the puppy to go when necessary.
Reward the puppy with positive praise and a treat when it eliminates properly in the yard.
Take the puppy outside to the same elimination area every couple of hours, even when it has not eaten recently. This will help to reinforce the eliminating process. Praise the puppy every time it eliminates properly outside.
How to Potty Train Maltese Puppies
Maltese dogs are a toy breed with a silky white coat and expressive face. The Maltese is primarily regarded as an indoor dog breed, necessitating potty training. Puppies develop their elimination habits early on in life, so vigilance in the training process is vital during this time.