How to Make My Yorkie's Ears Stand Up

Yorkshire terriers, better known as Yorkies, are a beautiful breed often seen in dog shows. One difference between show dogs and pets is the position of a Yorkie's ears. Their ears naturally droop, due to weak cartilage and muscles, but they can be trained to stand up through a process of taping. This process does not injure the dog, and works quite well if begun at an early enough age.

Things You'll Need

  • Gauze
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Electric razor
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    • 1

      Shave the top third of your Yorkie's ears using scissors and an electric razor. Clean the dog's ears after shaving to remove loose hair and ear wax.

    • 2

      Vertically fold the dog's ears so that they stand up as desired when held. The ears should be pointed up and not drooping or leaning to one side.

    • 3

      Wrap the bottom two-thirds of the ear using light gauze, and secure with tape. This should be tight enough to hold the ear securely. Replace if the dog tears it off.

    • 4

      Remove the tape and gauze after three days to check for drooping. If the ears start to droop again, repeat the taping process. To remove the tape and gauze, use small scissors and make very small cuts to avoid injuring the dog.