Training a Dog Not to Go to the Bathroom in the House

Whether you have an adult dog or a puppy, training them to not go to the bathroom in the house can seem like a daunting task. Dogs will go to the bathroom in the house when they are not taken outside often enough. Dogs may go to bathroom in the house to mark their territory. Having accidents in the house can also be a sign of a medical issue, especially if the dog was house trained previously. A consistent routine can be beneficial in house training your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Enzyme cleaner for pet accidents
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      Take the dog outside often to use the bathroom. A dog can be expected to hold its bowels one hour for every month old that they are up until they are around 8 months old. For example, if you have a 4-month-old puppy, it should be able to hold its bowels for 4 hours.

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      Take the dog outside the same door each time if possible. Once outside, take the dog to the same spot in the yard. Going to the same spot will allow the dog to smell where it has gone previously and it will go in the same area.

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      Give the dog the command that you want to use for it to go potty. An example may be "go potty," "go to the bathroom" or whatever phrase you want to use. Be sure to use the same phrase each time.

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      Praise the dog once it goes to the bathroom. Saying "good boy" in a high pitch is sufficient praise. You can also give it a small treat if desired.

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      Clean up any accidents and use an enzyme cleaner to remove any remaining scent. A dog can smell the lingering scent of its accident even if you can't. The scent will attract it to the same spot to go to the bathroom in the future.

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      Place the dog in a confined area when you are unable to take it out regularly. A crate works well for this. Dogs do not like to use the bathroom in the same area where they sleep so they are less likely to go if they are confined. Another option is to keep the dog in a room with an easy-to-clean floor, like a kitchen.