Things You'll Need
- Small pieces of chicken or beef
Feed your dog at the same time every day, regardless of how many times you feed it. Take it outside immediately upon waking and get up early enough to give your dog plenty of time to use the outdoors. When it does, praise it and give it a small piece of chicken or beef. Follow your dog everywhere in the yard and make sure to make a big deal when it urinates or defecates.
Keep your dog confined to a small area, only large enough for it to lie down. Block any open space in its crate or in a small room with plastic storage boxes or food bowls. This will discourage it from using the space as a toilet. Dogs don't like to soil their bedding, so holding it in this case is an easier choice.
Attach yourself to your dog. Literally. If your dog is free to walk around the house when you're home, don't give it the opportunity to disappear and find a new place to urinate. Use a leash long enough for it to move about a little without disappearing. Attach the leash to your dog's collar and to your belt or tie it around your waist. Make sure the leash isn't so long that you trip over it. If your dog even gives you the impression it might have to go, quickly take it outside. Your dog will learn faster if you give it plenty of opportunities to perform the desired behavior.
Walk your dog frequently. This encourages marking by urinating. To train your dog quickly, you will have to increase the amount of walking you do until the dog understands what you want. Don't let any time pass between urination or defecation and a praise and treat. The association has to be at the moment of success for the dog to become conditioned to perform a desired behavior.