Things You'll Need
- Crate
- Puppy pads
- Leash
- Treats
Set up a crate for your pet to use when you are not able to watch it. A crate is like a den for your basset hound, and usually it will not want to go to the bathroom in its den.
Use the crate to establish a routine for your pet, known as crate training. Allow it to stay in the crate for a short period of time, then let it out and go outside to use the bathroom. This will reinforce to your pet that while it is in the crate, it must wait to go potty.
Set up puppy pads indoors for your pet to use to go potty if you are gone for long periods of time, rather than confining it to the crate. This is known as paper training. Place the puppy pad down on a non-carpeted surface. When you notice your dog beginning to circle, which indicates it is about to go potty, direct it to the paper pad. With consistent use, your basset hound will eventually go to the pad on its own to go potty.
Keep an eye on your pet to prevent accidents around the house. If you see that your basset hound is having an accident indoors, refrain from shouting at or punishing it. Simply say "No!" in a firm voice, pick it up (if it is a a puppy) and take it outside. If your pet is older or larger, put it on a leash and direct it to a spot outdoors.
Praise your basset hound when it takes care of business in the designated location. Offer it verbal praise such as "Good boy!" or give it a small treat.