The Best Way to Potty Train a Lab

Potty training a lab puppy is a long and difficult process. The difficulty lies in the fact that a young lab puppy can only hold its bladder for an hour for each month of age plus one additional hour. This means that a three-month-old lab can only hold its bladder for four hours. It is important to actively train the dog to eliminate in the correct location or else housebreaking will remain a serious problem for several years. Effective training establishes lifelong habits that will eliminate most house accidents.

Things You'll Need

  • Large crate or enclosed area
  • Small hanging bell
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    • 1

      Establish a feeding schedule for your lab puppy. Feed it at the same time every day to help establish a regular elimination schedule for the lab.

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      Keep the lab inside its crate for the majority of the time until it is completely housebroken. This will become its den in which it feels safe and protected. Let the puppy out to play during specific times throughout the day.

    • 3

      Take the lab puppy outside to eliminate every hour. Allow the puppy to circle the area for 3 to 5 minutes to find an elimination spot.

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      Give a signal command while the lab puppy is circling. A command such as "hurry up" or "go potty" works well. This helps the puppy realize that this is business time and not play time.

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      Praise the lab if it eliminates. Give it lots of enthusiastic praise so that it realizes that going outside is a good thing.

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      Allow the lab puppy about an hour of house play time after it eliminates outdoors. This helps the lab realize that if it eliminates outdoors, it gets freedom inside the house.

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      Take the lab puppy outdoors to eliminate after every feeding. Most dogs eliminate about 10 to 15 minutes after eating. Do this consistently, and the dog will quickly learn to eliminate outdoors.

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      Stop food and water about 2 hours before bedtime for the dog. During the night, take the lab out to eliminate once or twice. Praise the lab if it goes outside. Take it immediately back indoors and place it back in the crate.

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      Place a small ringing bell next to the door or doggy door that your lab will use to go outdoors to eliminate. Every time you take the puppy out, ring the bell and say the command word for elimination (such as "go potty"). Continue this for about two weeks.

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      Allow your lab to ring the bell itself after the second week. Take the dog to the door, say the command word and wait for the lab to ring the bell. If it does, praise it generously. If the dog doesn't ring the bell, ring it yourself for another week and try again. Over time, your puppy will ring the bell every time it needs to use the toilet.