How to Train a Dog to Stop Barking at People

Dogs are pack animals. Anyone outside of their pack is considered a threat. Some dog breeds are more protective than others and may bark more as well. A dog's barking at a person serves two purposes. It warns the pack that someone is trying to approach. It also warns the person to stay away from the pack. Excessive barking at people can be annoying and may lead to more aggressive behavior.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Person to help
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    • 1

      Put a treat in your hand before beginning the training.

    • 2

      Get someone to help you by knocking on the door or ringing your doorbell.

    • 3

      Allow the dog to bark a few times to alert you that there is someone at the door.

    • 4

      Command your dog with the word "quiet," or with whatever word you choose, to signal to the dog it needs to be quiet.

    • 5

      Give the dog the "sit" command and have it sit near the door. If the dog barks again, give it the "quiet" command.

    • 6

      Give the dog a treat if the animal remains quiet. While teaching the command "quiet," praising or petting the dog should be avoided so as not to excite the dog and cause more barking.

    • 7

      Practice these steps several times a day to help your dog associate being quiet with getting a treat. Once your dog has mastered the command, petting or praisng may be used as a reward instead of a treat.