How to Teach a Dog Not to Chew on Things

Dogs are notorious for chewing on shoes, furniture and nearly anything else they can get their jaws around. For a dog, chewing is a normal way of relieving stress and excess energy, and does not indicate that the dog is upset with you or trying to exact revenge. Fortunately, you can encourage your dog to direct its chewing toward appropriate chewing objects, and away from your slippers, shoes and coffee table.

Things You'll Need

  • Several dog chew toys of different types
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    • 1

      Do not leave the dog unsupervised in the house until it has been trained not to chew inappropriately. Once the dog begins chewing on the wrong objects, it is more difficult to re-direct the chewing habit.

    • 2

      Set up a room for the dog to stay in when no one is home. Stock this room with a wide variety of chew-toys of different types. Keep your dog interested in its chew toys by soaking new toys in soup stock and letting them dry. Since the dog will have no other chewing options in the designated room, it will develop the habit of chewing exclusively on the toys.

    • 3

      Use your dog's chew toys when playing with your dog, and reward your dog with lavish praise when it chews on a toy. Hide the toys throughout the house, and encourage your dog to find the toys and chew on them. Reward the dog with praise and affection whenever it discovers a toy and chews it.

    • 4

      Condition your dog to chew on a toy when it is anticipating your return home. Waiting for your return can make your dog anxious, and nervous chewing can result. When you return home, immediately insist that your dog find a chew toy. Do not greet your dog until there is a chew toy in its mouth. The dog will begin to associate the chew toys with your return, and will seek them out around that time every day.