Things You'll Need
- Crate
- Leash
- Treats
Take the dog to your previously chosen elimination area immediately upon bringing it home. Before you even let him inside your home, take him to that spot and wait for him to eliminate. Doing so shows the dog right off of the bat that elimination is to be done outdoors. Praise the dog once he goes potty in the right area.
Keep watch over your dog at all times. Older dogs that are not housebroken cannot be trusted to have full access to your home because they may eliminate at any time. Therefore, always supervise the grown dog by attaching his lead to your belt loop or placing him in a crate or closed-off area when you cannot watch him. When he starts to show signs that he has to eliminate, such as sniffing the ground or walking in circles, take him out to the designated elimination area as quickly as possible.
Create a schedule for your dog. Canines are very much creatures of habit and enjoy having routines. Taking your dog outside at the same times every day helps him to know how long he has to hold his bladder and bowels before he can relieve them. Take your dog outside after he wakes up, after he eats, before you place him in the crate, and whenever he shows he needs to go.
Praise your dog enthusiastically after he eliminates. Many adult dogs that are not housebroken often come from situations of abuse or neglect. These dogs probably do not have high self-esteem. If you give your dog lots of praise when he successfully eliminates in the appropriate area, not only do you raise that esteem but you also encourage him to keep up the good work. Give your dog a special treat that you only give out when he eliminates in the right spot and pet and speak to him in high, enthusiastic tones. Your adult dog will begin to associate your actions with his elimination habits and likely strive to receive your praise.