How to Stop a St. Bernard From Barking

The St. Bernard, or Alpine mastiff, is known for its gentle nature and large size. St. Bernards were bred by Swiss monks to rescue victims of avalanches in the mountainous regions of Europe. Today, St. Bernards make suitable pets because of their docile nature and fierce loyalty. St. Bernards can be difficult to train later in life and should be trained as early as possible; this includes training the gentle giant to cease any nuisance barking.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog toy
  • Dog crate
  • Plastic water bottle
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Take the St. Bernard for a long walk to burn off any excess energy. After the walk the St. Bernard will be unable to bark from pure exhaustion.

    • 2

      Bring the St. Bernard indoors, if it is barking at other dogs. St. Bernards are naturally protective animals and may be barking at passing dogs they might perceive as a potential threat.

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      Place the St. Bernard into its crate, if it sleeps or spends any time in a kennel. Many dogs begin to associate a kennel with a place of serenity and comfort. This may help soothe a St. Bernard that is excessively barking.

    • 4

      Fill a plastic spray bottle with water. Spray the St. Bernard near the face each time it begins to bark. The dog will eventually begin to associate nuisance barking with the unwanted splash of water.

    • 5

      Teach the St. Bernard the "Quiet" command. Each time the dog begins to bark, wait until it ceases and say the word "Quiet" and give the dog a treat. The dog will eventually begin to associate not barking with receiving a treat. The "Quiet" command can be used each time the dog is nuisance barking to help it stop.