How to Stop a Dog From Jumping Against a Glass Door

If you have a glass door and a territorial dog in your house, you could have a problem on your hands. Territorial dogs tend to bark and jump whenever a person or animal walks past their houses. If your door is made of glass, your dog might start jumping against the glass in an attempt to get to the intruder and defend his territory. While it might seem like a challenge to stop this behavior, it is possible with a mixture of training and management.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Pet gate
  • Leash
  • Helper
  • Treats
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      Confine your dog to a crate or dog-proof room when you are out or cannot watch your dog. Use pet gates to keep the dog in the room. Pick a room that does not have windows that overlook the street outside your house.

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      Put your dog on her leash and ask a friend or neighbor to walk past the house or knock on the glass door, depending on what sets your dog's jumping off.

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      Hold your dog's leash and calmly wait until he calms down. Shovel treats in his mouth if it distracts him and reward him for calm behavior. Ask for an incompatible behavior such as a "sit" and reward your dog for complying.

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      Repeat the process of your neighbor knocking or walking past until you have desensitized your dog to the trigger and he is able to remain calm. This could take anywhere from a day to a few weeks, depending on your dog.

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      Supervise your dog whenever he is in the room with the offending glass door until you know you can trust him. Use a leash to tether the dog to you or to a sturdy piece of furniture to keep control of him in case you have an unexpected guest.