How to Potty Train a Yorkie Terrrier

Yorkshire Terriers ("Yorkies") and many small dog breeds are infamous for being difficult to potty train. This is because they have much smaller bladders than larger dogs, and need to be taken outside more often. Yorkshire Terrier World reports that Yorkie puppies will become potty trained at different ages, even from the same litter. Some puppies will potty train themselves, while others will require additional training. It will take time, a consistent pattern, and positive reinforcement for your Yorkie to be potty trained.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Take your Yorkie Terrier outside to the designated location and allow him plenty of opportunities to do his business. Use a phrase like "Go outside" or "Let's go potty" to help your dog associate the phrase with the process. When you are outside, give him plenty of time to sniff and find a spot without any distractions.

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      Give your Yorkie a dog treat and plenty of encouragement immediately after she does her business. Like most dogs, Yorkshire Terriers want to please their owners and they will quickly learn that they can potty outside to receive your praise.

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      Put your Yorkshire Terrier in a crate when you are not home. The crate should be large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around in, but not too big that he could relive himself in one corner and still avoid it when lying down. Always take him outside as soon as you get home.

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      Watch your Yorkie's behavior so that you notice when she needs to go outside. According to Yorkies Corner, the dogs will begin sniffing the ground when they need to go outside. Take him out right away when you see this behavior and use your phrase.

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      Feed your Yorkie and let her outside at the same times each day to create a consistent pattern. If your dog follows a routine for eating, she will follow the same routine for doing her business.