How to Train a Corgi Puppy to Come When Called

Like most puppies, corgis are extremely lively. Because they fall into the herding dog category they generally love to chase anything that moves in front of them, so it is important to give them the correct obedience training. It is common for owners to struggle teaching their dog the command "come." You should begin training the corgi puppy with this command while she is very young. Small puppies want to be around their owners all the time.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Take the corgi puppy to a quiet place in the house where he will be less distracted and able to focus on the training.

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      Get the puppy's attention using a pleasant voice and hold out a treat. Move backward away from the puppy and only use the word "come" as he approaches. This way the dog will associate the command with the action.

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      Give the puppy the treat and lots of praise and affection. Keep training sessions short to avoid boring the puppy, but persevere. As the puppy improves, reduce the treats given, until she reacts solely to the command.