How to Break a Dog From Barking Every Time We Leave the House

Your dog loves to get attention, and as a dog owner, you probably love giving it to your dog, particularly if it has a habit of barking every time you leave the house. When it barks, your dog may be telling you, and anyone else who's listening, that it wants attention. When you're home, your dog gets all the attention it can handle, but when you leave, it gets no attention and often results in the dog barking. Several solutions exist that can help your dog to stop barking whenever you leave your house.


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      Make sure your dog has the basic essentials of food, water and a quiet place to sleep. Don't leave your dog outside when you're not home. Bring it inside, and make sure it has a spot to go away from distracting windows and other pets.

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      Pay little attention to your dog when you leave your house. Tell it goodbye about 10 minutes before you actually leave. Repeatedly petting your dog and talking in a soothing voice will make it bark even more once you're gone.

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      Avoid an excited greeting when you return home. This will reinforce the idea that being left alone is not a big deal for your dog. Don't greet your dog until you've been home for about 10 minutes, which also gives it some time to calm down before you show it some attention.

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      Try not to praise and pet your dog for no reason for the time being. If your dog is barking while you're gone, then you need to limit the attention it gets while you're there. Always praise your dog for responding correctly to a command, but don't overdo it. Over time, your dog will be able to sit and stay in all situations. Then, you can bump up the praise and give it more attention.

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      Give your dog something to do. This works when you're home and when you're not. When you're home, give it a chew toy or treat. While your dog plays and chews the toy or treat, leave the room. Return a few minutes later. Stay calm and don't greet your dog. The idea is to show your dog that being separated from you is not a big deal, so it shouldn't get excited or upset. When you leave the house, try leaving the television or radio on. You can also leave your dog a toy with food inside, such as an adjustable feeding ball. Hide a few around the house, and it will keep your dog busy for hours.