How to Stop a Dog From Digging & Escaping

Dogs dig for a number of reasons. They may be bored, or sense something on the other side of the fence that they want. It is important to redirect the dog's digging behavior to a more acceptable area of the yard, especially if your dog is a terrier or other breed for whom digging is instinctual. After redirecting the dog's behavior, you can create a barrier of rocks and chicken wire to keep the dog from escaping.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken wire
  • Large rocks
  • Chain link fencing
  • Child's sandbox
  • Sand
  • Shovel
  • Measuring tape
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    • 1

      Set up the child's sandbox in the middle of the yard, away from the fence line. Fill it with sand from the home improvement store. You can also use potting soil. When you catch your dog digging near the fence, say "No" in a loud, sharp voice. Lead the dog immediately to the sandbox. Praise him for any digging he does in the sand box. This will help redirect his digging behavior away from the fence.

    • 2

      Dig a trench along the fence line with your shovel that is one foot deep, and comes out one foot from the fence line into your yard.

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      Measure the length of your trench with the measuring tape. Unroll the chicken wire and measure it to fit the trench. Push the chicken wire into the soil of the trench up against the fence, about two inches deep. The top of the wire should just hit the bottom of the fence line, or overlap it.

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      Fill the trench half way with soil. Firm the soil with your shovel so it is solid.

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      Line the length of the trench with large rocks. Fill in the rest of the trench with soil. Now if your dog digs to escape, he will hit the rock layer and then the chicken wire, making further digging impossible.

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      Lean a long section of chain link fencing up against the bottom of the fence line so it tents the rocks. Lay it as low to the ground as possible while still keeping it up against the fence. This will keep your dog away from the fence line, as it will be uncomfortable to walk on.