How to Potty Train Chihuahuas to Litter Box

Many Chihuahua owners are interested in training their dogs to use a litter box for elimination. Doing so is advantageous for dogs that don’t like to go outside when the weather is less than ideal. Since Chihuahuas are small, their mess isn’t particularly large and can fit inside a litter box. Chihuahuas are typically intelligent and can catch onto training rather quickly. There are few tips, however, to help your dog learn even faster.

Things You'll Need

  • Low-sided litter box
  • Litter
  • Newspaper or puppy pads
  • Treats
  • Enzymatic cleaner
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      Place a small litter box in a quiet area with a non-absorbent floor. Chihuahuas are social dogs and can become distracted if the litter box is located in a busy area. This distraction can lead to problems with training. Place the box in a rarely used bathroom, laundry room or basement.

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      Spread newspapers or puppy pads around the box. Doing so will catch any litter that is on the Chihuahua’s feet and also will provide for easy clean up if the dog goes outside of the box.

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      Take the Chihuahua to the box at the same times every day. Dogs usually have to eliminate before they go to sleep, and after they eat and wake up. Take it to the box whenever it shows signs it needs to go, such as sniffing the floor or walking in a circle. Putting the Chihuahua on a schedule will help it to learn how long it has to hold its bladder and bowels before it can release them in the appropriate spot.

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      Reward your Chihuahua with treats and praise. Chihuahuas thrive on attention and petting. After your Chihuahua has eliminated in the box, pet and talk to it enthusiastically as its reward. You also can give it a treat it especially likes. Providing this type of reward encourages your Chihuahua to keep up the good work.

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      Clean up any accidents with enzymatic cleaner that is designed to eliminate dog waste odors. If your Chihuahua can smell where it relieved itself previously, it will likely return to that same area. Enzymatic cleaners, however, completely eliminate the smell, which can prevent the dog from returning to go potty again.