How to Potty Train a Toy Poodle

Potty training your toy poodle can be challenging. However, poodles are among the most intelligent breeds in the dog world and learn relatively quickly. With a little patience and the right training technique, potty training your toy poodle can be an enjoyable process for both you and your dog. The crate method is particularly effective since your toy poodle will associate the crate with his own living space, a space that dogs do not generally soil. After a few days of consistent training, your toy poodle will become adjusted to a potty training routine.

Things You'll Need

  • 24x17x20-inch crate
  • Soft blanket or towel
  • Small dog treats
  • Stain and odor remover
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  1. Crate Training Your Toy Poodle

    • 1

      Familiarize your toy poodle with the crate that you will be using. The crate should be just large enough for your dog to lie down comfortably. Place your toy poodle in the crate with the door open. If he exits the crate, repeat the process two to three times. This will ensure that your toy poodle is familiar with, yet not scared of, the crate.

    • 2

      Place the crate in an area of the home where the dog can see still see you. After placing a soft blanket or towel on the bottom of the crate, put your toy poodle in inside and close the door. Generally, dogs should be content staying in the crate with the door closed. However, if your toy poodle starts crying after a few minutes, place a towel or blanket over the crate. Keep your dog in the crate for 30 minutes so before taking him out for a potty break.

    • 3

      Take your toy poodle outside for a potty break. Use verbal cues such as "potty" for reinforcement while he is outside relieving himself. After your toy poodle is finished, give him a doggy treat and praise him. This routine should be repeated every hour or so when first starting crate training. After successfully taking your dog out for a few days in a row, you may be able to leave your toy poodle outside of the crate for a few hours every day. If he soils your home, use stain and odor remover to clean up the mess. If you catch him in the act, give the puppy a stern "no" and quickly take him outside.

    • 4

      Keep your toy poodle in the crate whenever you are busy inside the home, out of the home, and during nighttime. This will ensure that your toy poodle sees his crate as his own living space. Gradually, he can spend more and more time outside of the crate. With successful crate training, you may be able to use the crate only in times of need.