Free Guard Dog Training Tips

Homeowners often buy and train dogs for security and protection. While all dogs are special additions to the family, guard dogs learn to protect homeowners and visitors alike. Families should use the best training methods for a guard dog.
  1. Get Professional Help

    • Guard dog training is not a simple task and must be considered a very serious pursuit because a poorly trained guard dog can become aggressive. In fact, the training of guard dogs is best done by professionals, although homeowners can easily teach their dogs basic skills like obedience, hunting and sports. So the first step in training your guard dog is finding the appropriate program to accomplish that. Choose a high-quality program to ensure success. Start your dog young so he learns his skills from the time he is a puppy.

    Be in Command

    • Obedience is the first basic skill your dog must learn. Unlike other dogs and companion pets, guard dogs must learn to obey each of their master's commands. You should participate in the training as well to learn all the hand signals. These hand signals tell your dog to sit down, stay and heel, commands that your dog must be able to execute properly. During the training, your dog learns to respond to you or his handler, and not to accept commands from other people or strangers. This is very critical because the training is useless if any intruder can control your dog with signals and commands. Your dog must learn to only respond to you.

    Providing Proper Love and Care

    • It is usually part of the training to teach your dog how to attack an intruder. After this aspect of the training, don't leave your dog by himself for long periods of time. The dog might become bored or aggressive, and might begin to think of any movement as a reason to attack. The dog must also learn to respond to all family members. She must know all of your children, friends who frequent your home and other household pets. With this familiarity, the guard dog becomes an agreeable member of the household. Praise your dog when he does a good job. He will reward you with loyalty and love.