Training Information for a Husky Puppy

Considered intelligent, alert and friendly, the appearance of the Siberian husky puppy is enough to melt any dog lover's heart. The husky is not the easiest dog to train, though. The breed can be willful and destructive and will merrily take advantage of the slightest weakness demonstrated by their owners. In order to be successful with husky training, you must be a strong pack leader and convince your puppy from the start that you are the boss.
  1. Start Training Early

    • It's never too early to start training a husky puppy. Huskies are highly intelligent dogs who have minds of their own. If they don't see the point of obeying a command, they'll ignore it. Early obedience training, with plenty of repetition, fairness and consistency, is the best way to get good results. Have clear rules for puppy behavior and stick to them.

    The Alpha Dog

    • All dogs are pack animals, and they all defer to the leader or alpha. The husky is a pack animal who will want an established hierarchy in his pack. The human owners must establish their place as the alpha, otherwise the husky puppy will quickly try to take over and may develop anxiety related problems because he doesn't have the strong leader that he needs.

    Husky Walking

    • The alpha leads, so when walking a husky puppy, teach him that he must walk behind you. Allowing him to run ahead or strain on the leash is letting him learn that he is boss. At least one disciplined walk should take place each day, when the puppy concentrates on following you as his leader.

    Husky Puppy Housebreaking

    • Successful house-training for a husky puppy depends on patience and repetition. Take the puppy outside at frequent intervals during the day and wait with him until he relieves himself, then praise lavishly. As soon as he wakes after a nap, after eating or when he shows particular signs of needing to eliminate (such as turning in circles) are especially important moments in housebreaking. Be prepared for accidents. The husky puppy can't effectively control his bladder until around 12 weeks of age. Deal with accidents in the house by cleaning the mess up and ignoring it, then redouble the effort to take the puppy outside regularly. Avoid the temptation to scold; a puppy doesn't know better and often can't help it.

    Husky Puppy Play Time

    • Huskies as a breed love to roam. It's what they do. Never trust a husky off the lead because if something interests them, they'll take off and they won't come back. They also love to dig and climb, so a sturdy, 6-foot fence with a buried base around the yard is necessary. A husky puppy will get bored easily and needs a lot of exercise before being left alone for any period of time. Husky puppies are delightful, but they are sled dogs with very particular needs and they're not right for everyone. Given proper training and the necessary time and energy from the owner, they can be wonderful companion dogs.