Medical Condition
A dog who was potty trained and has suddenly started having accidents in the house could have a urinary tract infection, a bladder infection or some other medical problem. Call your veterinarian and make an appointment. Your dog may not be mature enough mentally or physically to be completely potty trained, and may require additional patience and time. If your dog is older, he may become incontinent. Spaying or neutering your dog helps reduce or eliminate territorial marking.
A new family member could cause your dog to regress in his potty training Adding a new family member could be the reason your dog has regressed in her potty training. A new baby, who is suddenly getting the attention your dog used to get, can cause your dog to act up by urinating in the house. Adding another dog or cat to the family could also prompt your dog to show her displeasure by urinating in the house. Start the potty training process over again as if your dog were a new puppy. Never hit your dog for having an accident.
Stress could be the culprit of your dog's potty training regression. Changing his diet, moving his bed, or any number of things can cause a dog to become stressed and revert to old habits and behaviors. Try to figure out what has changed in your dog's life and change it back to what he was familiar with. Spend time with your dog and reassure him you still love him.
Territorial Marking
Moving to a new house could cause your dog to urinate in the house. If the previous owner had a dog who eliminated in the house, your dog might begin eliminating in the house to mark it as his new territory. Thoroughly clean the carpets before you move in to prevent your dog from regressing into marking behavior. If you've already moved in, clean the carpets now.
Plan your next vacation to include your dog Getting lazy and expecting your dog to give you the signal that he has to go out instead of keeping him on a schedule could be the cause of the problem. Keep him on a schedule. Leaving your dog, whether at a boarding kennel, with a friend, or at home with a pet sitter when you go on vacation could also be the reason your dog has regressed. Start the potty training process over again, and plan your next vacation to include your dog.
Dog Potty Training and Regression
Potty training is one of the most important behaviors you teach your dog. Just when you think your dog is potty trained, you find a wet spot when you get up in the middle of the night. This could happen for a number of reasons.